Results for 'Sue E. Kase'

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  1.  25
    The Future of Collaborative Human-Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making for Mission Planning.Sue E. Kase, Chou P. Hung, Tomer Krayzman, James Z. Hare, B. Christopher Rinderspacher & Simon M. Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In an increasingly complex military operating environment, next generation wargaming platforms can reduce risk, decrease operating costs, and improve overall outcomes. Novel Artificial Intelligence enabled wargaming approaches, based on software platforms with multimodal interaction and visualization capacity, are essential to provide the decision-making flexibility and adaptability required to meet current and emerging realities of warfighting. We highlight three areas of development for future warfighter-machine interfaces: AI-directed decisional guidance, computationally informed decision-making, and realistic representations of decision spaces. Progress in these areas (...)
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  2. From modeler-free individual data fitting to 3-D parametric prediction landscapes: A research expedition.Sue E. Kase, Frank E. Ritter & Michael Schoelles - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1398--1403.
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    The Politics of Masculinity and the Ex-Gay Movement.Sue E. Spivey & Christine M. Robinson - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):650-675.
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the masculinity politics of the ex-gay movement, a loose-knit network of religious, scientific, and political organizations that advocates change for homosexuals. Guided by Risman's gender structure theory, the authors analyze the individual, interactional, and institutional dimensions of gender in ex-gay discourses. The authors employ critical discourse analysis of representative ex-gay texts to deconstruct the movement's gender ideology and to discuss the social implications of its masculinity politics. They argue that gender is one (...)
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    Identifying the real eap client: Ensuing ethical dilemmas.Sue E. Schonberg & Sandra S. Lee - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (3):203 – 212.
    As employee assistance programs (EAPs) have evolved and expanded their scope in the past decade, many factors have contributed to meeting the demands of conflicting client constituencies in a multifaceted client environment. This article enumerates several of these factors, notes consequences of ensuing conflicts, and ultimately proposes some methods to counter some of these ethical dilemmas in the future. It is the hope that greater recognition and understanding of ethical conflicts in client loyalty within a host organization will foster increased (...)
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    Playing the interdisciplinary game across education-medical education boundaries:sites of knowledge, collaborative identities and methodological innovations.Sue E. Timmis & Jane Williams - unknown
    This paper aims to interrogate the potential and challenges in interdisciplinary working across disciplinary boundaries by examining a longitudinal partnership designed to research student experiences of digital technologies in undergraduate medicine established by the two authors. The paper is situated in current methodological trends including the changing value of replicability and evidence based methods and increases in qualitative and mixed methods studies in Medical Education, whilst education research has seen growing encouragement for randomised controlled trials and large-scale quantitative studies. A (...)
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    Recognizing Race: Whose Categories Are These Anyway?Sue E. Estroff - 1997 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 25 (1):113-116.
  7.  22
    Insurance Coverage, and Having a Regular Provider, and Utilization of Cancer Follow-up and Noncancer Health Care Among Childhood Cancer Survivors.Michael R. Cousineau, Sue E. Kim, Ann S. Hamilton, Kimberly A. Miller & Joel Milam - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801881799.
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    Mind, Mood, and Medicine: A Guide to the New Biopsychiatry.Robert Coles, Michael MacDonald, Sue E. Estroff, Paul H. Wender & Donald F. Klein - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (2):39.
    Book reviewed in this article: Mystical Bedlam: Madness, Anxiety, and Healing in Seventeenth Century England. By Michael MacDonald. Making It Crazy: An Ethnography of Psychiatric Clients in an American Community. By Sue E. Estroff. Mind, Mood, and Medicine: A Guide to the New Biopsychiatry. By Paul H. Wender, M.D. and Donald F. Klein, M.D.
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  9. Language as a window on rationality.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & William M. Fields - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds, Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
  10.  24
    State and Territorial Boards of Nursing Approaches to the Use of Unlicensed Assistive Personnel.Sue A. Thomas, Marjorie Barter & Frank E. McLaughlin - 2000 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 2 (1):13-21.
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    Personal epistemology in pre-service teachers: belief changes throughout a teacher education course.Sue Walker, Joanne M. Brownlee, Beryl E. Exley, Annette Woods & Chrystal Whiteford - 2011 - In Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw & Donna Berthelsen, Personal epistemology and teacher education. New York: Routledge.
  12.  19
    What Is Light in Dark Times?Sue E. Estroff - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (3):492-501.
    ABSTRACT:Alisse Waterston and Charlotte Corden’s Light in Dark Times (2020) began as an address by the president of the American Anthropological Association and was transformed into “a work of art and anthropology” by a member of the audience. The result was a coauthored book-length graphic essay that is expansive in subject matter, and in the representation of ideas, scholars, and questions about what it means to be human and how we will pass the time that is given us on earth. (...)
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  13.  95
    Racism and Philosophy.Susan E. Babbitt & Sue Campbell (eds.) - 1999 - Cornell University Press.
    By definitively establishing that racism has broad implications for how the entire field of philosophy is practiced -- and by whom -- this powerful and ...
  14.  50
    Linguistically mediated tool use and exchange by chimpanzees.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):539-554.
  15.  64
    Sarah's problems of comprehension.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):555-557.
  16.  45
    Masquerading in the U. S. Capital Markets: The Dark Side of Maintaining an Institution.Cynthia E. Clark & Sue Newell - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (1):105-134.
    This article examines the work of professional service firms (PSFs) in their relationships with public corporations; work that is designed to ensure that investors and potential investors have information that will enable them to participate in the capital markets. Using an institutional theory lens, we view these efforts by PSFs as institutional maintenance work and specifically analyze their work related to policing (i.e., rating), enabling (i.e., tutoring), and embedding and routinizing (i.e., collaborating) that helps to support the capital market as (...)
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  17. Animal language: Methodological and interpretative issues.Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & K. E. Brakke - 1996 - In Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson, Readings in Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 269--288.
  18. Language as a window on rationality.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Fields & M. William - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds, Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
  19.  78
    Institutional Work and Complicit Decoupling across the U.S. Capital Markets: The Work of Rating Agencies.Cynthia E. Clark & Sue Newell - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (1):1-30.
    ABSTRACT:We focus on the core institution of the capital market and the institutional work of professional service firms that provide ratings on corporate issuers, initially in a bid to maintain this institution, which suffered when those involved relied solely on information from the issuers themselves. Through our analysis we identify a new type of decoupling—complicit decoupling. Complicit decoupling evolves over time, beginning with the creation of a new practice, here corporate ratings as a form of policing work, which emerges to (...)
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  20.  27
    Describing chimpanzee communication: a communication problem.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane I. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):614-616.
  21.  24
    L'évolution et le développement du langage humain chez Homo Symbolicus et Pan Symbolicus.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & Fields - 2012 - Labyrinthe 38 (38):39-79.
    Bien que la dichotomie classique homme/animal continue de sous-tendre la pensée scientifique occidentale, la génétique moléculaire prouve que les humains sont bien plus proches des chimpanzés et des bonobos que ne pouvaient le supposer les chercheurs en se fondant seulement sur l’évidence anatomique, il y a quelques décennies. Le degré de similitude de l’ADN entre humains, bonobos et chimpanzés autorise à nous classer tous trois comme espèces-sœurs. Ce qui signifie, aussi étrange que cela pui..
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  22.  13
    The Evolution of Communicative Capacities.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & William D. Hopkins - 1986 - In William Bechtel, Integrating Scientific Disciplines. University of Chicago Press. pp. 243--262.
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  23.  25
    Managing Contradiction: Stockholder and Stakeholder Views of the Firm as Paradoxical Opportunity.Cynthia E. Clark, Erica L. Steckler & Sue Newell - 2016 - Business and Society Review 121 (1):123-159.
    Stockholder and stakeholder perspectives have been positioned in the literature as being in tension, and thus a potential source of innovation and change. However, researchers have overlooked a systematic examination of this presumption in theory and in practice. This study explores the ways that stockholder and stakeholder assumptions are presented by theorists and compares these with expressions of stockholder and stakeholder perspectives used by firms in practice. We argue that theoretical entrenchment dichotomizing these perspectives has disrupted the ability of researchers (...)
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  24. ʻĒkkasān prakō̜p kānsưksā wichā nitipratyā, chan pariyā [i.e. parinyā] trī.Prīdī Kasēmsap & Kittisak Prokkati (eds.) - 1983 - [Bangkok]: Khana Kammakān Bō̜rikān thāng Wichākān, Khana Nitisāt, Mahāwitthayālai Thammasāt.
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  25.  31
    34 Evolution of Intelligence, Language, and Other Emergent Processes for Consciousness: A Comparative Perspective James E. King, Duane M. Rumbaugh, and. [REVIEW]E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press. pp. 2--383.
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    Endogenous Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Aggression in Domestic Dogs.Evan L. MacLean, Laurence R. Gesquiere, Margaret E. Gruen, Barbara L. Sherman, W. Lance Martin & C. Sue Carter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  27.  45
    Professionalism: A Competency Cluster Whose Time Has Come.Catherine L. Grus, David Shen-Miller, Suzanne H. Lease, Sue C. Jacobs, Kimberly E. Bodner, Kristi S. Van Sickle, Jennifer Veilleux & Nadine J. Kaslow - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (6):450-464.
    Despite the burgeoning literature on professionalism in other health professions, psychology lags behind in the level of attention given to this core competency. In this article, we review definitions from other health professions and how they address professionalism. Next, we review how this competency evolved within health service psychology (HSP), and we propose a definition. We offer an approach for assessing professionalism within HSP. Consideration is given to strategies and methods for providing effective education and training in this multifaceted competency. (...)
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  28. Susan E. Babbitt, Artless Integrity: Moral Imagination, Agency, and Stories Reviewed by.Sue Campbell - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (4):241-243.
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  29. Ga 30322, usa.William Bechtel, Marc H. Bornstein, Stevan Hamad, Terrence W. Deacon, Angela D. Friederici, Alexandra Maryanski, Alberto Piazza, Duane M. Rumbaugh, E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh & Eckart Scheerer - 1996 - In B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh, Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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    And a child.Duane M. Rumbaugh & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 1996 - In B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh, Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 257.
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    Protolanguage in ontogeny and phylogeny: Combining deixis and representation.Patricia M. Greenfield, Heidi Lyn & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (1):34-50.
  32. A brief review of exercise, bipolar disorder, and mechanistic pathways.Daniel Thomson, Alyna Turner, Sue Lauder, Margaret E. Gigler, Lesley Berk, Ajeet B. Singh, Julie A. Pasco, Michael Berk & Louisa Sylvia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  33.  13
    (1 other version)Protolanguage in ontogeny and phylogeny.Patricia M. Greenfield, Heidi Lyn & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 2008 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 9 (1):34-50.
    We approach the issue of holophrasis versus compositionality in the emergence of protolanguage by analyzing the earliest combinatorial constructions in child, bonobo, and chimpanzee: messages consisting of one symbol combined with one gesture. Based on evidence from apes learning an interspecies visual communication system and children acquiring a first language, we conclude that the potential to combine two different kinds of semiotic element — deictic and representational — was fundamental to the protolanguage forming the foundation for the earliest human language. (...)
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    Surfing the Public Square: On Worldlessness, Social Media, and the Dissolution of the Polis.Sue Spaid - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):668-678.
    This paper employs Hannah Arendt’s characterization of the social, which lacks location and mandates conformity, to evaluate social media’s: a) challenge to the polis, b) relationship to the social, b) influence on private space, d) impact on public space, and e) virus-like capacity to capture, mimic, and replicate the agonistic polis, where “everything [is] decided through words and persuasion and not through force and violence.” Using Arendt’s exact language, this paper begins by discussing how she differentiated the political, private, social, (...)
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  35.  20
    The Expanded Evidence-Centered Design (e-ECD) for Learning and Assessment Systems: A Framework for Incorporating Learning Goals and Processes Within Assessment Design.Meirav Arieli-Attali, Sue Ward, Jay Thomas, Benjamin Deonovic & Alina A. von Davier - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) is a framework for the design and development of assessments that ensures consideration and collection of validity evidence from the onset of the test design. Blending learning and assessment requires integrating aspects of learning at the same level of rigor as aspects of testing. In this paper we describe an expansion to the ECD framework (termed e-ECD) such that it includes the specifications of the relevant aspects of learning at each of the three core models in the (...)
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  36. Le forme superiori del ragionamento Parte Iª: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi del simbolismo diretto e indiretto.E. Rignano - 1915 - Scientia 9 (17):11.
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    Inferring a Cognitive Architecture from Multitask Neuroimaging Data: A Data‐Driven Test of the Common Model of Cognition Using Granger Causality.Holly Sue Hake, Catherine Sibert & Andrea Stocco - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):845-859.
    Cognitive architectures (i.e., theorized blueprints on the structure of the mind) can be used to make predictions about the effect of multiregion brain activity on the systems level. Recent work has connected one high-level cognitive architecture, known as the “Common Model of Cognition,” to task-based functional MRI data with great success. That approach, however, was limited in that it was intrinsically top-down, and could thus only be compared with alternate architectures that the experimenter could contrive. In this paper, we propose (...)
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  38.  39
    The measurement problem resolved and local realism preserved via a collapse-free photon detection model.Barry C. Gilbert & Sue Sulcs - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1401-1439.
    A new realislic local model of light propagation and detection is described. The authors propose a novel stochastic model of low-intensity photon detection in which background noise is added to a part of the photon prior to absorption. In this model, in agreement with Planck, there is no quantization of the propagating field. The model has some similarities to theories advanced by E. Santos and T. Marshall in the last decade, but also has substantial deviations from these. A mechanism, conserving (...)
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  39. Le forme superiori del ragionamento. Parte IIª: Il ragionamento matematico nelle sue fasi di condensazione ed inversione simbolica.E. Rignano - 1915 - Scientia 9 (17):164.
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    Two secondary teachers’ understanding and classroom practice of dialogic teaching: a case study.Janneke van de Pol, Sue Brindley & Rupert John Edward Higham - 2017 - Educational Studies 43 (5):497-515.
    Dialogic Teaching is effective in fostering student learning; yet, it is hard to implement. Little research focused on secondary teachers’ learning of DT and on the link between teachers’ understanding and practices, although these two are usually strongly intertwined. Using a wide range of evidence, this case study systematically investigated and compared two secondary teachers’ understanding and practice of DT during their participation in a continuing professional development programme. The CPDP appeared effective to some extent. The History teacher’s understanding of (...)
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  41. Il βασιλεύς come νόμος ἔμψυχος tra diritto naturale e diritto divino: spunti platonici del concetto e sviluppi di età imperiale e tardoantica (Marcello Gigante Prize 2006).Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2006 - Naples: Bibliopolis, Memoirs of the Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies 34.
    Il presente studio si pone in ideale continuità con l’opera di Marcello Gigante Nomos Basileus, analisi fondamentale della nascita e delle interrelazioni tra diritto naturale, diritto divino e diritto positivo nel mondo greco, prendendo le mosse proprio dal punto in cui questi aveva interrotto la sua indagine, ossia sulle concezioni platoniche del nomos e le sue connessioni con il divino, l’anima e l’educazione. In Platone sono rintracciate le premesse teoretiche della concezione, poi diffusa in età ellenistica, imperiale e tardo-antica, e (...)
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    What do educators need to know about the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: A comprehensive review.Ahmed M. Abdulla Alabbasi, Sue Hyeon Paek, Daehyun Kim & Bonnie Cramond - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    One of the most important questions that educators try to answer is how to prepare new generations of students for an unpredictable future. Students need to learn several skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Creativity, especially, is an essential skill in a complex and unforeseeable world/era, and an important step in any effort to enhance creativity is to identify students’ creative strengths and relative weaknesses. This review aims to offer school psychologists and other educators such as teachers, (...)
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  43.  18
    Editorial: Fragmentation in Sleep and Mind: Linking Dissociative Symptoms, Sleep, and Memory.Dalena van Heugten - van der Kloet & Sue Llewellyn - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:327459.
    Dissociative symptoms are notorious for their enigmatic, disparate nature encompassing excessive daydreaming, memory problems, absentmindedness, and impairments and discontinuities in perceptions of the self, identity, and the environment. Recent studies (e.g., Koffel & Watson, 2009) have linked dissociative symptoms to vivid dreaming, nightmares, and objective sleep parameters (e.g., lengthening of REM sleep) for discussion, see (Van der Kloet et al., 2013). Germane to this link between dissociative symptomology and sleep, is the idea that in dissociative individuals, the waking state as (...)
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  44.  56
    Amy Sue Bix. Girls Coming to Tech! A History of American Engineering Education for Women. xii + 360 pp., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2013. $34. [REVIEW]Amy E. Foster - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):207-208.
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    A Grasshopper's Diet—Notes on an Epigram of Meleager and a Fragment of Eubulus.E. K. Borthwick - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (1):103-112.
    ‘Quid vero fit, quod poeta hanc plantam, tanquam munus locustae inprimis gratum, commemoret, nemo dixit; nee ego dicere possum’—so Jacobs in his note on the seventh line of this epigram. Among later commentators, Mackail thinks ‘can hardly mean “leek” here’ and he assumes it to be ‘groundsel’; Dain in the Budé edition is satisfied with the rather prosaic explanation that it is an ‘observation très juste … la cigale ne se nourrit que des sues des plantes’. I hope to show (...)
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  46.  36
    American Chimera: The Ever-Present Domination of Whiteness, Patriarchy, and Capitalism…A Parable.Roberto Montoya, Cheryl E. Matias, Naomi W. M. Nishi & Geneva L. Sarcedo - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (9).
    In Greek mythology, the Chimera is a fire-breathing monster with three heads: one of a lion, one of a horned goat, and one of a powerful dragon. Of similar construction is the presence of three structures in US society, whiteness, patriarchy, and capitalism, which are overwhelmingly represented, valued, and espoused when examining areas of progress, i.e., family income, poverty rates, high school and college graduation rates, and home ownership. This modern American three-headed beast controls, manipulates, and permeates all aspects of (...)
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    The Social Medicine Reader, Second Edition: Volume One: Patients, Doctors, and Illness, Nancy M.P. King, Ronald P. Strauss, Larry R. Churchill, Sue E. Estroff, and Gail E. Henderson, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. 294 pp. ISBN 978‐0822335689, $24.95. and The Social Medicine Reader, Second Edition: Volume Two: Social and Cultural Contributions to Health, Difference, and Inequality, Gail E. Henderson, Larry R. Churchill, Nancy M.P. King, Jonathan Oberlander, and Ronald P. Strauss, eds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. 323 pp. ISBN 978‐0822335931, $24.95. [REVIEW]Anita Chary - 2013 - Anthropology of Consciousness 24 (1):76-81.
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    Well and Good, Third Edition: A Case Study Approach to Biomedical Ethics.John E. Thomas & Wilfrid J. Waluchow - 1998 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Well and Good presents a combination of "classic" and little-known but real-life cases. Included are a range of cases involving nurses and other health professionals as well as many involving doctors. The cases in the main body of the book are accompanied by the editors' impartial discussions of the issues involved. The final section is comprised of unanalysed cases for further study. For the new edition, the introduction has been expanded to include discussions of feminist bioethics and of virtue ethics, (...)
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  49. Cartesio e le sue «immagini». Discussion.Salvatore Serrapica - 2006 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2 (2):342-349.
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    Spinoza e Nietzsche: della potenza e le sue determinazioni.Federico Lodoli - 2012 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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